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Options for dealing with a tenant in arrears with rental payments

Kenneth Amakye
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As the cost-of-living crisis continues, more and more tenants are unable to afford their rent and are falling into arrears. This can be financially devastating for landlords, especially if mortgage rates are biting hard. If you are a landlord whose tenants...

Making a best interests decision under an LPA

Hardeep Gill
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If you have been asked to be an attorney for someone under their power of attorney, whether for finances or health and welfare, then they have placed their trust in you to act in their best interests at all times. This will also be the case if they did not...

Joint ventures - choosing the right structure and whether to incorporate

Selwan Yousif
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As a business owner preparing for a joint venture, you and your potential partner will need to decide how best to structure the business arrangement so that it provides the best platform for your mutual objectives. ‘Several factors will influence your...

Relocation: navigating the risks and pitfalls for employers

Kenneth Amakye
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Due to changes in ways of working since the pandemic or in response to the economic slowdown, some employers are downsizing their premises and asking employees to relocate to new premises or hubs. ‘Even if the change in location only involves a short...

Avoiding problems with easements on commercial land

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If a neighbouring landowner uses part of your land for something, such as access or drainage, it is likely that they will have a formal right known as an easement.  This could restrict your ability to redevelop or extend existing buildings on your...

Tempted by the four-day working week trial for your business?

Kenneth Amakye
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One story which received a great deal of media coverage earlier this year was the publication of the results of a six-month trial involving around 2,900 workers who had moved to a four-day working week. The organisers of the UK trial heralded it as a...

Inheritance disputes between siblings

Kenneth Amakye
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Losing a mum or dad is never easy, and things can become even more distressing if quarrels arise between siblings about who should get what from their parent’s estate. Kenneth Amakye one of our Associate Solicitors highlights some of the main...

Is a prenup part of your wedding planning?

Deborah Nicholson
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Hotels and wedding venues are busy hosting wedding fairs and gearing up for the wedding season, with everyone focused on the details of the big day, from the colour scheme and menu to the choice of attendants and music. One other thing which now appears on a...

Resolving a dispute about a trust fund

Kenneth Amakye
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Once thought of as a device only for the rich and famous, trust funds are now routinely used by ordinary families to protect assets for a loved one in a tax-efficient manner. Although useful, trust funds can be complex mechanisms and disputes can and do...

Buying shares in a business - what to look out for

Selwan Yousif
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Investment in another business may be part of your business growth strategy, especially if you operate in the same market or supply chain. Acquiring a slice of the pie through the purchase of shares is one way to secure such an investment and may seem...

Employee monitoring; an employer's guide

Kenneth Amakye
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Recent advances in technology mean that there are now numerous ways to monitor employees, including via a webcam on staff computers or by checking browser histories, email content and phone records. Productivity-tracking software offers a raft of ways to...

Reconciliation; can we change our minds about getting a divorce?

Deborah Nicholson
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You are likely to have spent some weeks, months or perhaps even years contemplating getting a divorce before you decided to apply, and even then, you may still wonder if it is not too late to save your marriage, particularly if you have children together. ...

Negotiating a commercial finance agreement

Selwan Yousif
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If you need a cash injection for your business to help with growth costs, or to fund the purchase of plant and equipment, diversification, or expansion, then you will need to think carefully about the finance options open to you and their potential pros and...

Bloggers beware! A defamatory post could land you in court and cost you dearly

Kenneth Amakye
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Being able to share ideas and opinions over the internet has many benefits. It enables us to communicate quickly with one another and to relay information easily with the simple click of a button. But what few people realise is that when you post something...

Can a non-molestation order prevent someone bothering me?

Deborah Nicholson
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Domestic abuse can impact men and women, of any age or race and is seen across all parts of society.  Unfortunately, statistics from the Office for National Statistics reveal that domestic abuse is on the increase, with cases having risen by six per...

Inheritance rights of children born outside of marriage

Kenneth Amakye
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According to the Office for National Statistics, nearly as many children are now born to parents who are not married or in a registered civil partnership as to those who are. But do you have fewer rights where you are born outside of a legally recognised...

Spring 2022 - Employment law update for employers

Kenneth Amakye
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April is usually the month when the Government introduces new employment legislation, and in recent years has announced its commitment to introducing significant new rights, such as neo-natal leave and a duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. ...

Could my marriage be invalid?

Deborah Nicholson
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Sadly, there are people who have believed they were legally married, only to find out years later their marriage was invalid.  This normally only comes to light when a relationship ends, or when one party to the relationship dies as it can have an...

Protecting your business if you lose mental capacity

Silviya Maclean
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With people seeking greater flexibility and a better work-life balance, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) now account for 99 per cent of all private businesses in the UK. ‘Launching and building your new startup is an exciting time and...

Can you really have a clean break after divorce?

Deborah Nicholson
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Many people mistakenly believe that a divorce severs your financial ties, but that is not the case.  It is necessary to either agree your financial arrangements via a separate negotiation and have the settlement formalised by the court, or have the...

Employment policies and procedures: time for a refresh?

Kenneth Amakye
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Many businesses are now at the stage where they have planned their longer-term working arrangements for staff who may be office-based, remote working, or a hybrid arrangement. Some of the changes to working practices which were introduced ‘on the...

New director-member joining your company? Time to review your shareholder agreement

Selwan Yousif
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If you are planning to appoint a new director to work in your business who will also acquire shares in your company then, as well as drawing up a service level agreement to govern their employment, you will also need to consider whether you need to make any...

UK Surrogacy Rates Are on the Rise - What People Considering Surrogacy Need to Know

Avril Croud
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Babies born by surrogacy have nearly quadrupled in the last 10 years, with 413 parental orders (used to transfer legal parental responsibility from the surrogate to the intended parents) reported in 2020. This is a rise from 117 reported in 2011. Two-thirds...

Prince Philip's Will to Remain Secret for 90 Years

Silviya Maclean
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The High Court has decided that the “dignity and standing” of the Queen will be protected by not disclosing Prince Philip’s Will following his death in April 2021. This sort of protection is not new and has been used repeatedly by the...

Do I need a letter of wishes alongside my will?

Silviya Maclean
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Making a will is an important part of lifetime legal planning, but do you need to put all your wishes in your will? Where should you set out your wishes for gifts or your funeral arrangements? Is it appropriate to explain your decisions about your legacy?...

Business checklist for admitting a new partner

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If you have decided that the time has come to admit a new member to your partnership, then there are a number of important steps that you will need to take in preparation.  To help you plan, partnership law expert Selwan Yousif  who is a...

No-Fault Divorce delayed to April 2022

Avril Croud
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A new divorce law which will make it easier and less stressful for many couples to get a divorce has been delayed to 6 April 2022. No-Fault divorce was originally supposed to start in Autumn 2021, so this is a delay of around 8-10 months. The government...

The implications of alcohol misuse and family arrangements

Avril Croud
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While many adults drink alcohol responsibly, unfortunately there is a significant percentage of the adult population in England that misuse alcohol.  Government statistics for 2020 show that over half a million adults in England were admitted to...

Commercial Eviction Ban Extended to March 2022

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The ban on commercial evictions introduced to prevent mass repossessions and insolvencies due to Covid-19 has been extended by nine months to March 2022. Under the ban, commercial landlords face restrictions in relation to a wide range of enforcement...

It's complicated - changes to marital status and making a will

Silviya Maclean
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There have been a number of changes in regard to marriage law since 2004, with the most recent being the introduction of opposite-sex civil partnerships in 2019.  These changes have been important in providing clarity over legal rights and financial...

Selling a business? Make sure you clear out any skeletons first

Selwan Yousif
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Preparation is the key to success with most things in life and is particularly important when you are trying to attract a buyer for your business.  This is because any potential acquirer will almost certainly want to carry out pre-purchase checks to...

​A neighbour has caused my property to flood. What can I do?

Kenneth Amakye
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The risk of flooding in England and Wales is increasing year on year and exposing millions of homeowners to the possibility of property damage and the consequent misery that this causes.  In some cases, there is nothing you can do but try to claim on...

Closing your office for good: can you end your commercial lease?

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Since the arrival of Covid-19 so many businesses have been forced to temporarily close their offices and relocate their workers to their homes. At first, many suffered teething problems, but it has since become clear that productivity can be just as high...

New rules for IR35 and off-payroll working from 6 April

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After postponements in 2019 and 2020, the 6 April 2021 is the third date scheduled for the off-payroll working rules to be extended to the private sector. The purpose of the change is to increase compliance with tax rules known as IR35. This change has...

Can I change the use of my business premises?

Graham Beach
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If the pandemic has left you with empty commercial property , now could be a good time to look for alternative uses.  To help businesses make the best use of commercial real estate, the Government has made the planning rules more flexible so that it is...

Resolving a dispute between property owners with a shared interest

Kenneth Amakye
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‘An Englishman’s home is his castle’ is a familiar phrase with its origins in the 16 th century, where it was widely accepted that no one should have the right to interfere with the use and enjoyment of a person’s property except in...

Landlords' options for enforcing commercial tenants' obligations

Kenneth Amakye
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As the economic impact of the pandemic grows, many commercial landlords are struggling to collect rent and enforce their business tenants’ other lease obligations.  While the Government has acted to protect business occupiers by restricting...

Acquisition opportunities among distressed businesses

Kenneth Amakye
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As many of the government measures to support businesses through Covid-19 come to an end, businesses which have limped along may need to take more drastic action and consider renegotiation with creditors, restructuring, disposal, or even winding up or...

Do I need to start my divorce prior to Brexit?

Avril Croud
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If you are contemplating divorce, then you may need to consider whether it would be beneficial to commence proceedings prior to Brexit.  This is particularly important if either you or your spouse are nationals of another EU country, if you last resided...

Seven reasons to update your shareholder agreement

Selwan Yousif
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The shareholder agreement is often one of those documents that startups sometimes forgo or even ‘bootstrap’ by cutting and pasting from other documents without taking independent legal advice. Even if you put one in place when setting up your...

My neighbour has taken part of my garden. What can I do?

Kenneth Amakye
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What might have started out looking like a small and innocuous plant to your neighbour can soon grow into a substantial hedge that extends well beyond their boundary, albeit innocently, reducing the amount of land which you can enjoy.  On the other...

Your commercial property portfolio - time to restructure?

Selwan Yousif
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A commercial property portfolio is just like any other investment - to get the best out of it, you need to manage it well, and sometimes it will benefit from being restructured. The unforeseen impact of Covid-19 on the whole of the UK economy has underlined...

Keeping coronavirus redundancies fair and the alternatives

Selwan Yousif
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The Government’s coronavirus job retention scheme (CJRS) has helped many employers keep their staff. But, the winding down of the CJRS and the grim economic forecast mean that employers may need a more flexible workforce and for many sectors,...

Have you suffered from COVID-19 due to a lack of PPE?

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COVID-19 has had a massive and immediate impact on our working lives. The risks to those working in the healthcare sector are well documented in the media, but workers in other areas such as construction, retail and goods distribution are also at risk....

Guidance for employers regarding the coronavirus from ACAS

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With more cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), being reported in the UK each day, employers will be wondering how to handle the issue especially as they may need to react fast if a situation develops in the workplace or if there are concerns about the health of...

Possible impacts of COVID-19 on property transactions

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For clients in the midst of trying to buy, sell or rent a property, the coronavirus outbreak is causing particular uncertainty at all stages in the process. We want to reassure you that our property law team will continue to operate as normally as possible...

Could carelessness on social media land you in court?

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Did you know that you can be sued for posting something online that is not true or for sharing or endorsing a false post made by someone else?  Did you also know that if you are sued, you could be ordered to pay compensation and legal costs and forced...

Divorce and the division of overseas assets

Avril Croud
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It is not uncommon for a divorcing couple to have some property in another country, whether this is a holiday home in the sun or the alps, a property in your country of birth, or an investment in commercial property or assets abroad.  ‘The term...

Changing from employee to consultant: pitfalls to avoid

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Changing an individual’s working arrangements from employee to consultant may seem attractive; no employer National Insurance contributions to pay and greater flexibility for the individual. A win-win situation surely? Jasvinder Gill , employment...